Thursday, November 8, 2012

iPads in Education

The intent of this blog is to provide educators with resources, ideas, and tips regarding using iPads as an instructional tool. Each day, I come across new, fabulous apps that can be used to support instruction. Whoa - wait a minute - teachable moment! What is an app? App is an abbreviation for an application or software program that operates on a device such as an iPad. These little beauties are typically inexpensive and have many functions. It is important to note that an app might not; however, have the same capabilities of its computer-based counterpart.

I get so excited when I find those treasures that I cannot wait to share them with other educators! In addition, by simply using my iPad on a daily basis, I learn new "tricks" that make navigating my iPad easier. These tricks make me more efficient and thus make using an iPad in the classroom easier. My goal is to make utilizing an iPad as an instructional tool as seamless as possible.

My research is not scientific. My findings come from reading multiple blogs and articles, perusing through the App Store, visiting with other educators, and simply spending A LOT of time on my iPad! App Store??? Yes, there is an online "store" where you can download apps! The beauty of the App Store is many of the apps can be downloaded for free! The App Store app is already installed on your iPad courtesy of Apple!

I hope to sort through the tremendous amount of information (trust me, there is a ton of information available on using iPads in the classroom) and provide you with what I feel is most worthy of your attention. Typically, if I explore 10 different apps, only one might be worthy of being used in the classroom. And let's face it, time to explore new apps is difficult to come by as a classroom teacher!

Please know that all of the apps I will suggest will be tested by myself, my students, or my own children. I will not suggest an app that I have not used first. I want to make certain that the apps I recommend are truly resources that I would use or am using in my own teaching.

Although we would all LOVE to have a classroom set of iPads at our disposal, it is not always feasible. Currently, I have one iPad, so much of my focus will be on ways that one iPad can be used in the classroom. However, most of the suggestions will also be applicable in a classroom with access to an iPad for every student (you lucky ducks!).

Feel free to contact me with suggestions and feedback. I am anxious and excited to begin this journey of exploring iPads and sharing the most effective ways to use them to support learning!

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