Common Core State Standards Resources
- Common Core State Standards
- This website provides links to Common Core State Standards and information regarding which states have adopted the standards. In addition, the site contains a link to resources to help educators understand Common Core State Standards.
- "This website is full of free content designed to help educators understand and implement the Common Core State Standards. It includes practical tools designed to help students and teachers see their hard work deliver results. was created in the spirit of collaboration. Please steal these tools and share them with others."
- This website contains a searchable database in which educators can view and print tasks, units, and student work that is aligned to Common Core State Standards.
- "Not all content in a given grade is emphasized equally in the Standards. Some clusters require greater emphasis than others based on the depth of the ideas, the time that they take to master, and/or their importance to future mathematics or the demands of college and career readiness." "This document shows where students and teachers should spend the large majority of their time in order to meet the expectations of the Standards."